About Floating

Just yourselves! We provide you with towels, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, cotton buds, Vaseline. We also have a vanity room with a hair dryer. Post float we offer a selection of herbal teas in our relaxation lounge.

What you might want to bring: Personal toiletries, swimwear and bag to put them in after (if you choose to not float naked- remember you have your own personal pod room equipped with a shower)

It’s personal preference really, just like exercise or meditation we have a preference. Some people like to float first thing to clear their mind and set them up for the rest of the day. Some people like to float in the middle of the day like an afternoon nap. Others prefer evening floats so they can relax at home after. This is why we are open from morning to evening hours Monday to Sunday.

The shortest session is 1 hour as its the minimum time needed to reach a state of deep relaxation. However you are free to leave the pod whenever you like!

As long as you wash and condition your hair after the float the magnesium salt will improve the condition of your hair and scalp and not damage it.

Our pods have a temperature regulation system keeping the water temperature to 35 degrees. This temperature is the same as your skin and the surrounding air – you won’t be able to tell what parts of your body are in water and which aren’t!

There have been many studies conducted over the years to understand the true benefits. Some of the benefits include: reduced stress, tension and pain, better quality of sleep and increased relaxation, improved athletic performance, anti depressant effects and greater cognitive function.

For in-depth research and scientific articles on the studies conducted for floatation therapy, please go to https://www.clinicalfloatation.com

We use 525kg of salt per pod.

Just like yoga, meditation even exercise, you will notice a difference the more you float. Ideally once a month is great – more if you can! We recommend incorporating a floating schedule in to your routine, e.g. floating first of the month.

It’s quite common! Floating is so relaxing, they say an hour of floating is equal to a few hours of deep sleep. Some research studies have proven improved sleep quality, perfect for people who have trouble sleeping!

There has been a lot of research done on Epsom Salts with no negative side-effects.

Epsom salt is a magnesium rich compound. It has been used for hundreds of years as a healing agent, reducing pain and headaches and improving sleep. It is a natural antibacterial agent so its brilliant for skin conditions (eczema, athlete’s foot & psoriasis). Epsom salt when absorbed through the skin can remove toxins from our body, impurities and dirt from our skin. Side note: We use half a tonne of salt in our pods 🙂

The high saline content of the floatation environment plus a tiny amount of disinfectant ensures that nothing harmful can survive within the pod. The highly sterile salt water is fully filtered  between each float, passing through a 1 micron filter and is sanitised with UV light.

Floating effects are cumulative. Which means the more regularly you float the longer or more intrinsic the benefits become. Scientifically proven benefits include reduced anxiety and improved sleep.

Before my Float Session

There is nothing you need to do, we do recommend not to shave or drink caffeine on your float day, it will help you relax. We recommend all first-time floaters to watch our Intro video.

Please arrive 15 minutes before your float session is due to begin. This gives us time to check you in and explain everything. If you arrive 5 minutes late we offer you 5 minutes extra at the end of your float provided you can shower quickly, as we need to do a thorough clean before the next customer arrives. If you arrive later we will do our best to accommodate you but it is likely you will be rescheduled.

We recommend a light meal two hours before your float. This way you’ll not be hungry or too full in the pod.

Yes, provided you have washed your hair a few times since your hair colour and there is no colour running. This way the salts will not effect your colour and your hair colour will not dye our pods!

As coffee is a stimulant we advise no caffeine on the day of your float. This way you can fully relax! However if you are an avid coffee drinker we don’t want you to have a headache!

You do not need to remove your contact lenses, but just be extra careful not to get the water in your eye. If you are able to see okay without them then we would advise you to remove them.

This is to remove any excess oil or dirt from the body or hair. It also means our pod filters do not need to work overtime!

We advise all loose jewellery to be removed before floating

Yes please remove all make-up.

Yes just follow the same protocol you would for swimming.

It’s a common question and worry. The pods are much bigger than you think, you can stretch without touching the sides. If you do feel a little nervous you can always keep the light on in the pod or leave the top open. You are in complete control of how you want to do it. People are pleasantly surprised with feeling safe and relaxed when they enter!

Call us, DM us on Instagram or email us, whichever you prefer!

We recommend you to float naked, its the best way for the Epsom Salts to work their magic! Don’t forget you will have your own private room with private shower. Anything you do wear will become heavy due to the Epsom Salt, it may become a distraction while you float but its totally up to you.

In the pod

Our minds are constantly on and thinking, it can be difficult to switch off anywhere even in a pod. It’s completely natural for this to occur during your first float. It will take time for your mind to ‘switch off’ and relax that’s why we say floating is cumulative, the more you float the more relaxed and the easier it will be. The best thing you can do is just focus on your breathing to help you relax, take slow deep breaths and notice your belly rise and fall and soon you’ll be able to drift away. And though each float is different and we recommend that you embrace whatever experience you have, just observe your thoughts with detached interest.

Just relax! Breathe slowly, consciously and focus on your breath if you want. Some people find doing simple stretches helps them relax, some people close their eyes and slowly let their thoughts leave their mind. An hour sounds like a long time without stimulation but you will be surprised how quickly it goes!

A head cap won’t stop the water from getting in, you will still need to wash your hair after. Also wearing one may compromise the feeling of no sensation. We recommend floating without one but it’s totally up to you.

It may sting a little, there will be a water spray bottle in your pod. Simply spray the water in your eyes and the stinging
will stop. 

You can do whatever you want! We recommend you keep the lid closed, it keeps the temperature constant and stops light from entering. However, if you feel more comfortable you can open it as much as you like.

You can do whatever you want! There is a button in your pod to control the lights. For the full experience and total sensory deprivation we recommend you turn off the lights but if you feel more comfortable with them on by all means press the button!

We play some relaxing sounds for the first 5 minutes to help you relax and in the last 5 minutes of your session to indicate the session is coming to an end. In between we do not play music.

You don’t have to but we really recommend it. It prevents the salty water entering your ears and acts as a mini soundproof layer. We provide them to you free of charge.